martes, 18 de mayo de 2010


While half the world eats without being hungry, drinks without being thirsty and speak without having anything to say, the other half fast, because they have no bread to his mouth, no water to cool the mouth and shuts up having much to report. Are human contradictions with which, unfortunately, we have learned to live when they should encourage us socially and obstacles enlarged by mere humanity. Eradicating hunger so as to promote a healthy and sufficient food, requires educational methods and some ethical actions that allow a respectful use of resources. If the right to food is a primary right behind the right to life, nor is it valid to obesity prevention, which supports the right to health, promoting consumption of healthy foods, promoting accessibility and information them.
We know that ending hunger in the world is not a utopia. Neither is the reduce the risk of diseases transmitted or conveyed by food and reverse the obesity trend. We need to move from discussion to action will. Want is power. It is no use the "possible vigilance" by the state of world hunger, aggravated by food and financial crisis, which remains subject of ongoing discussion in the various United Nations agencies, but there is a real feat to tackle moral issue. The same happens with the famine in the world about the growing number of obese people. We therefore welcome that are designed to promote joint actions a healthy diet. This is one of the objectives of the agreement recently signed between the Spanish Ministries of Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs (MARM) and Health and Consumer Affairs to promote a healthy, balanced and varied, drawing on the connections between the two departments. It seeks to identify common areas of interest in promoting food and optimizing resources that each of the entities is intended to promote food.
Hunger and abundance, in any case, are the fruits of the lack of solidarity and cooperation among nations void of indifference for the sake of others, of phenomena that leave speculative stocks outside the development process. Also excluded obese people in a society that rewards the physical. Studies endorse it. It is obvious, therefore, that disrupt consumerist life styles of moderation, of balance and augment the gap of marginalization. Rousseau's recipe can serve at least as a reflection: "Wherever you see the moderation without sadness, without slavery harmony, abundance without profusion, say confidently, is a being happy the commands here." In the end, hunger kills but fills the heart bursts. To be taken into account.

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