lunes, 17 de mayo de 2010

My weekend (wedding day)

My name is Diana and I will talk about of my weekend and I did not have to talk about. Everything started on Friday when my grandmother Met 98 years of life, all the traditional family was celebrated as much food and we were all very happy accompanying.
Then on Saturday we went to a wedding with my family, my dad, my mom, my sister, my brother, my sister's boyfriend and me. It was the wedding of my cousin and therefore was a special event for the whole family fuue Mass at 12 day but the bride was a little slow to get no step-over was a very beautiful Mass I speak to the father about marriage and everything on it. In particular, the bride looked very pretty I believe that there are no ugly girlfriends. When the Mass ended we went to the reception everything was delicious especially the coffee cake was orange yomi yomi! aunse was delicious mouthwatering I remember. All very handsome ban guests had fun cuandoo the bride threw the bouquet my sister won it haha so will the prozima to marry according to tradition. It was an unforgettable day on Sunday so much fun I went swimming with all my cousins to rest a bit from the party on Saturday ... That was all.. =)

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